How to Not Get Banned on Facebook – With Clickbank and CPA Offers

Let’s talk about how to not get banned on Facebook and make money with one of the most (in)famous traffic platforms on the whole-entire Internet… FACEBOOK!

A lot of affiliates “try” Clickbank and CPA offers to monetize that traffic, and the sad truth is that they’re doing it all wrong; let’s not follow their example. We’re going to learn how to do it the right way with bridge marketing.

Banned on Facebook
Banned on Facebook

We’re going to go over how to pick the right offers so you’re not wasting your time by sending junk that simply won’t convert. We’re also going to talk about how to get the right type of traffic to send over to the offers you’ve selected, as well as how to properly utilize the pre-sell process once you’ve started generating traffic with our best friend- Facebook.

How it usually goes

People typically sign up for Clickbank or a CPA Network with a twinkle in their eye and hopes of generating all that glorious affiliate money.

They look for a product to sell that has the highest payouts or in Clickbank the best gravity-score they can find and then throw their hop link up anywhere they can direct link. Well, that’s what most of the new-comers tend to do; myself included once upon a time, long-long ago.

But as I’m sure you’ve guessed… that’s just the complete wrong way to do things. We can do much better.

Let’s Talk Clickbank First – How to Not Get Banned on Facebook

I’m not going to waste your time talking about what Clickbank is and what you would do after you make an account there because I’m sure if you’re reading this you already know.

But here is a video

The most popular category on Clickbank is Health & Fitness. For this reason I would say if you are in that niche, or are considering getting into it, then Clickbank might be a good place to find some offers once in a while.

What you want to look for is:

  • A product with a gravity score of at LEAST 20-30
  • An initial sale value of $30 and up is helpful but don’t get hung up on this if you don’t find that
  • Products with a Rebill is good too but again, don’t let this kill a potential offer for you
  • A sales page with a video helps in many cases
  • A sales page which has an exit-pop that takes you to a text-based sales letter that covers the same thing which was in the video
  • Affiliate tools help a lot but again they aren’t necessary
  • All of these are only suggestions… if you find something else works for you go with that instead

I suppose a short description of some key points are in order.

When you are looking for affiliate products in the marketplace you’ll see a number of details at the bottom of every single listing; here’s what they all mean:

Initial $/sale: This is how much money (on average) affiliates make per sale.

Avg %/sale: The percentage of the total sales price affiliates make in commission.

Grav: The gravity-score. It’s estimated that this is how many different affiliates made at least one sale in the last 12 weeks (3 months). This is a rolling average so it won’t always have a whole  number, fractions do show up so don’t let that confuse you if you see something like Grav: 23.4 this doesn’t mean that .4 of a whole person is making sales, that’s just crazy talk.

Avg %/ Rebill: The avg commission you’ll get from the rebill sale-total.

(the sale price, not your commission amount)

Avg Rebill Total: This is how much your cut is from that rebill sales price.

As for CPA affiliate offers, it is very easy to get banned on Facebook running CPA affiliate offers. We have developed numerous CPA affiliate marketing training case studies inside Affiliate Forum. I won’t cover too much in this post because honestly EVERYTHING you would need to know on how bank with CPA affiliate offers is inside.

In case you didn’t know, Facebook usually denies anything that direct links to a Clickbank product, or a shady affiliate landing page, or those shady “free” trial offers. This is not ALWAYS, but for the most part affiliates will struggle getting any traction with Facebook using a direct linking approach.

People have been trying to game the system ever since the day Facebook opened its doors to advertising. It has always been a battle between ad reviewers, and affiliate marketers who want to try deceptive approaches to advertising. Many affiliates have experienced “the Ban Hammer”. This is basically when your account is completely banned without a good notice or explanation, or you get some generic explanation.

You can try and get it back but most of you will fail.

Sometimes in the depths of the underground affiliate world you will here that Facebook is “sweeping out” tons of accounts all at once. This sometimes hurts the good people too since some good accounts get caught in the mix. All that being said you can save a lot of headaches and frustration by just doing things right. Most importantly you can still make money sticking to the rules.

Using Pixels & Building Bridges

Here’s where we get to the point of all this; using Facebook to create a bridge marketing campaign.

It basically works like this:

  • Make a blog, YouTube page, podcast, pretty much whatever you want that will be your vehicle for producing & providing valuable information to your audience. This stuff should usually be free and offered in good will with the intent to help those who consume this information.
  • Fire up Facebook and create a killer-ad which will lead back to your cool free-stuff. Always be sure your ads are well within the terms of service because Facebook is not shy about rejecting ads that don’t follow the rules. They’ll also ban accounts so just be sure you read up on the guidelines and then follow them.
  • After someone has seen your ad and then clicked on it to be directed to your content they’ll be “pixeled” and then retargeted for follow-up ads. (You don’t only need to use the Facebook pixel, for example you could add google pixel….whatever) These retargeting ads will usually not lead to free stuff but instead lead to a “free offer” of some sort where they’ll be offered something cool for free if they sign up for it thus giving you their email in exchange for this freebie.
  • Once you have their email you’re free to run your auto responder sequence and you can even continue to hit them with retargeting-ads for related offers if you wish; just don’t overdo it because that annoys people and we don’t want to do that.

The reason why bridge marketing is more widely used now than it was in the past is because of how effective it is at converting prospects into leads and then into customers, plus you build a list, and you can also avoid the hassles of getting your ad accounts banned.

It’s basically a process of warming people up with real content and then gently guiding them into the sale of your clickbank or CPA offers as opposed to just throwing offers in their face and hoping a percentage of them actually buy. In the process of doing this you also position yourself or your site as an authority on the subject and build trust and admiration amongst your customers.

So What is Your Next Step?

If you want to learn how you can set this all up today with all the information and tools you need, plus learn from the pros in our forum, then go inside the Affiliate Forum where we have released an EXTREMELY in depth course on doing all of this.

You will learn how to choose extremely profitable offers, set up your affiliate landing pages from scratch, set up easy auto responders, and most importantly drive massive traffic to your campaigns.

Not only do we provide complete affiliate training blueprints  to get started doing this today, but we also have in depth traffic courses showing live campaigns. Don’t waste another second and join us inside. Visit Powerhouse Affiliate, sign up, then enroll in any of our cash making courses to become a true affiliate powerhouse! You will have access to ALL of our training and the private forum where we can help you every step of the way, and stay on top of what’s working today.

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