4 Native Ad Mistakes to Avoid

Did you know native ads are estimated to make up over 60% of display ad spend?

As one of the fastest-growing traffic sources, native ads’ friendly nature almost guarantees its future popularity. Oftentimes, affiliates make the mistake of assuming that native advertising is foolproof. As simple as setting a campaign may be, affiliates make common mistakes that can teach you something! Let’s discuss native ad mistakes to avoid, shall we?

4 Native Ad Mistakes to Avoid

Expecting overnight success

You’ve set up your website, generated content, and now you’re ready to launch a campaign, only to end up discouraged when you’re not seeing immediate traffic conversions. It’s easy to get caught up in expecting overnight results from native ads, but this isn’t the case. Yes, native advertising will convert quicker than, let’s say, creating an email base would, but that’s not to say your results will be immediate. It’s important not to make rash decisions when you’re feeling frustrated but to be patient.

Let your campaign run, then evaluate its metrics. Test and adjust what you’ve implemented until you begin to see results. Then, it’s time to optimize and scale.

Take extra precautions when starting a new campaign, and be mindful of your budget. Without patience, you will run your budget into the ground without getting any valuable feedback.

Not Getting Creative With Your Creatives

What’s a campaign without an enticing visual to draw in visitors?

As an affiliate marketer, I’m sure you’ve heard the word “spy” once or twice. Spying is looking at your competitors and seeing what’s working for them. Monitoring your competition’s marketing and advertising efforts allows you to optimize your own competitive strategies and improve your business. The important note here is to be creative with your content and use the material you’ve spied on only as a source of inspiration.

Looking for a Great Spy Tool? Check out Adplexity or Anstrex

In addition to spying, it’s crucial to put yourself in the shoes of your target customer. What would resonate with your audience? How can you deliver an enticing campaign to spark their interest and assure them that you can answer their questions? Here’s the chance to get creative. Create a split test to identify the best-performing ad, and then optimize it.

Not Adapting to the Modern Expectations of a Native Ad

Native advertising matches the form and function of the platform in which the ad is placed- whether a video, article or editorial.

Advertising exceeded expectations beyond the classic “Buy Our Product Now!” style. With native advertising on the continuous rise, it’s important that affiliates stay up-to-date and current on the best practices, including visual design, how the story is told, and providing value and experience.

Engaging with your audience is one of the best ways to tell a story and create an experience that assures them that your promotion is the right decision. You can even try creating an emotional connection with your audience.

Native advertising has many opportunities to push your lead down the sales funnel. Be sure not to miss out by being outdated.

Not Utilizing An Ad Network’s Features

Great! You’re using an ad network to create your campaigns and ads. If that’s the extent that you’re using the platform, you need to take a few steps back. Ad networks are jam-packed full of important and incredibly useful information. All at your fingertips!

Most ad networks provide an account manager to you. Yes, your account manager is eager for you to spend more- but you won’t keep depositing money if you do not see the results. Create a relationship with your account manager and communicate with them the goals you’ve set. Your account manager holds all the key details of network features, the latest trends, and knowledge. The better your campaign performs, the more money you put in, and they are all in to assist you!

Well-performing native ads aren’t made with luck. Making data-driven decisions is sure to lead to a successful campaign.

Though we can tell you all the native ad mistakes to avoid, as an affiliate, you will make mistakes – and that’s okay. Learn, be patient, and persist. Success is around the corner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is native advertising?

A: Native advertising is a form of online advertising that blends seamlessly with the content of a website or platform. It is designed to appear like native content, providing users with a non-intrusive and organic advertising experience.

Q: Why is native advertising important?

A: Native advertising is important because it allows advertisers to reach their target audience in a less intrusive and more engaging way. By blending in with the platform’s content, native ads have the potential to capture the attention of users and drive higher engagement and conversion rates.

Q: What are some common native ad mistakes to avoid?

A: Some common native ad mistakes to avoid include misleading consumers, not aligning with the buyer’s journey, using irrelevant images, not optimizing for mobile platforms, and relying solely on impressions instead of focusing on the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter to your campaign.

Q: How can I create a successful native ad campaign?

A: To create a successful native ad campaign, understand your target audience and their buyer personas. Use native ads that align with your marketing strategy and the customer journey. Ensure that your headlines are attention-grabbing and your ad format is optimized for your platform. Monitor your campaign’s performance and adjust accordingly to achieve the best results.

Q: How can native advertising help with brand awareness?

A: Native advertising can help with brand awareness by exposing your brand to a wider audience in a non-disruptive and engaging way. By blending in with the platform’s content, native ads can potentially increase brand visibility and recognition.

Q: What is the role of a native ad platform in native advertising?

A: A native ad platform is a technology or service allowing advertisers to create, manage, and distribute native ads across multiple websites and platforms. It provides the necessary tools and resources to run effective native ad campaigns.

Q: How does native advertising impact user experience?

A: Native advertising, when done correctly, can enhance user experience by seamlessly integrating with the platform’s content. When the ads feel natural and relevant, users are likelier to engage with them, resulting in a positive user experience.

Q: What is the biggest mistake to avoid when using native ads?

A: The biggest mistake to avoid when using native ads is misleading consumers. It is important to ensure that your ads clearly indicate that they are sponsored content and not try to deceive or mislead users.

Q: How can I optimize my native ads for better conversion rates?

A: To optimize your native ads for better conversion rates, align the ad content with the landing page, use compelling headlines and visuals, and have a clear call to action. Additionally, regularly monitor and analyze your ads’ performance to identify improvement areas.

Q: What are some best practices for native advertising?

A: Some best practices for native advertising include clearly disclosing that the content is sponsored, creating relevant and engaging content that aligns with the platform’s audience, optimizing your ads for different devices, leveraging data and analytics to inform your strategy, and constantly evaluating and adjusting your campaigns based on performance.

Q: What is the role of publishers in native advertising?

A: Publishers play a crucial role in native advertising as they provide the platform and audience for advertisers to display their native ads. They help ensure that the native ads are seamlessly integrated into their content and delivered to the right target audience.

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