Snapchat Releases Sponsored AR Filters

Trying to catch the eye of customers online can be tough. Snap has introduced Sponsored AR Filters on Snapchat, a fresh way to grab attention. This post will guide you through what these are, why they matter for your ads, and how you can make your own.

Key Takeaways

  • Sponsored AR filters allow brands to create interactive ads that users can share, using augmented reality to blend digital and real-world views. This unique advertising method helps brands become part of the user’s camera experience on platforms like Snapchat, boosting engagement and extending brand reach.
  • With over 5 billion Snaps created daily, Sponsored AR Filters provide a massive opportunity for visibility and impact. Advertisers can include calls to action within these filters to drive specific user actions, capturing valuable mid-funnel signals that lead to measurable results.
  • Creating Sponsored AR Filters is easy and cost-effective with tools like the Lens Web Builder. These tools allow advertisers to design these immersive experiences in less than 10 minutes without any extra production costs. Examples like Franklin Park Conservatory and Portland Trail Blazers show how effective these filters can be in engaging audiences.
  • Brands looking to engage with their audience during major events or everyday moments can use Sponsored AR Filters for seamless integration into users’ lives. These filters encourage sharing across social networks, effectively amplifying brand awareness without disrupting the natural content-creation process.
  • Through advanced targeting options available in Ads Manager, advertisers can ensure their Sponsored AR Filters reach the most relevant audience on Snapchat. The platform facilitates not just creative expression but strategic marketing efforts designed to enhance interaction between brands and potential customers.

What are Sponsored AR Filters?

Sponsored AR filters combine digital imagery with real-world views using augmented reality, creating an interactive experience. Brands use these filters on platforms like Snapchat to connect with users in a fun and memorable way.

Definition and Purpose

Sponsored AR Filters are digital overlays that add fun, interactive elements to photos or videos captured through apps like Snapchat. These filters offer a unique way for brands to integrate their messages or products directly into the user’s camera experience.

By doing this, advertisers can create engaging and memorable moments that encourage users to share content with their networks, expanding brand reach significantly.

The purpose of these promotional AR filters is twofold. First, they allow brands to seamlessly become a part of major events and everyday moments alike. Whether it’s a global sports event or just a regular day, Sponsored AR Filters make it possible for advertisers to insert themselves creatively into the conversation.

Second, these filters come equipped with calls to action (CTAs), helping capture valuable mid-funnel signals from potential customers. This strategy not only boosts visibility but also drives measurable results by prompting users towards specific actions after engaging with the filter.

Integration into Snapchat Camera Experience

Snapchat Camera provides a unique platform where brands can showcase their Sponsored AR Filters to capture the attention of millions daily. With over 5 billion Snaps created each day, integrating these filters into the Snapchat experience ensures that brands achieve significant visibility and engagement.

This seamless integration allows for immersive brand storytelling through augmented reality marketing, turning everyday moments into shareable branded experiences.

Advertisers have the added advantage of incorporating calls to action (CTAs) with their Sponsored AR Filters, making it easier to guide users toward desired actions. These CTAs capture valuable mid-funnel signals that drive measurable results for campaigns.

The blend of creativity and strategic placement within the Snapchat camera advertising ecosystem amplifies brand integration on Snapchat, ensuring optimal impact across the entire user experience without disrupting the natural flow of content creation and sharing among users.

Benefits of Sponsored AR Filters for Advertisers

Sponsored AR filters give advertisers a unique edge by making their ads interactive and fun. This approach boosts user engagement and helps brands connect with their audience in a memorable way.

Expanded reach and shareable moments

Sponsored AR Filters boost brand visibility by integrating seamlessly into social media platforms. They transform ordinary posts into interactive, engaging experiences that users love to share.

Each day, over 5 billion Snaps are created, offering countless opportunities for branded content to go viral. This vast user-generated content serves as a powerful tool for brands aiming to increase their audience reach and create memorable moments.

These filters also provide a unique way for advertisers to connect with consumers during major events or even in everyday scenarios. By enabling easy creation in less than 10 minutes through the Lens Web Builder, brands can quickly jump on trending topics or respond to live events, making their marketing efforts timely and relevant.

The shareability of these moments ensures that advertisers not only capture attention but also encourage active participation from the audience, amplifying brand awareness across various social networks.

Seamless integration into major tentpoles and everyday moments

Sponsored AR filters blend perfectly into both grand events and the daily snapshots people share. This makes them powerful tools for brands aiming to become part of key cultural moments or casual conversations.

With over 5 billion Snaps created every day, advertisers have a vast playground to connect with audiences in an immersive way. These filters create shareable experiences that users eagerly spread across their networks, amplifying brand visibility without disrupting the user experience.

Advertisers leverage this seamless integration by crafting interactive experiences that resonate with Snapchat users’ lifestyles and preferences. Whether it’s during a major sporting event or a simple coffee run, these sponsored AR filters ensure brands are present in a variety of contexts.

The ability to include calls to action further enhances engagement, encouraging users to interact with the brand beyond the Snap, capturing valuable mid-funnel signals and driving measurable results for campaigns.

Optimal visibility and impact

Sponsored AR filters on Snapchat offer advertisers prime visibility. Every day, users create over 5 billion Snaps, presenting a vast canvas for brands to showcase their creatives. Through seamless brand integration into major tentpoles and everyday moments, these filters become a part of the user’s daily communication, ensuring your message reaches its audience in the most engaging way possible.

Calls to action within these AR filters drive valuable mid-funnel signals. This means not just views or impressions but interactions that indicate genuine interest or intent from potential customers.

With no need for external production costs, creating sponsored AR filters becomes an effective and cost-efficient advertising option, making it easier for affiliate marketers to achieve significant impact without breaking the bank.

Calls to action for driving measurable results

Advertisers can leverage calls to action (CTAs) to grab users’ attention effectively. CTAs prompt Snapchatters to engage in specific actions, guiding them towards valuable conversion opportunities.

This approach captures mid-funnel signals vital for measuring campaign success. By incorporating CTAs into Sponsored AR Filters, advertisers directly motivate their audience, leading to increased interactions and desired outcomes.

Successful examples like Franklin Park Conservatory and the Portland Trail Blazers show how impactful these strategies can be. They demonstrate that with over 5 billion Snaps created daily, there’s a vast audience ready to respond to well-crafted prompts and incentives.

Through smartly designed CTAs within Sponsored AR Filters, advertisers achieve measurable results by turning viewers into participants and potential customers.

How to Create Sponsored AR Filters

Creating Sponsored AR Filters is simple, letting you bring your brand’s unique flair to Snapchat users everywhere. Keep reading to discover how this powerful tool can transform your advertising strategy.

Uploading assets and building Filters from templates

Advertisers can seamlessly integrate existing assets into customizable templates to create engaging content. This process allows for the effortless creation of Sponsored AR Filters that resonate with their target audience.

By choosing from a wide variety of templates—ranging from AR face filters and location-based overlays to countdown timers and quiz generators—brands have the tools they need to produce creative overlays without any hassle.

Using the Lens Web Builder, a free DIY tool, advertisers can build these filters in under 10 minutes. This efficient approach not only saves time but also empowers affiliates with no prior experience in lens creation to design successful marketing campaigns.

The success stories of entities like Franklin Park Conservatory and Portland Trail Blazers highlight how effective these promoted AR Filters are in brand promotion.

Leveraging Lens Web Builder for easy creation

Creating Sponsored AR Filters has never been easier, thanks to Snapchat’s Lens Web Builder. This innovative tool lets affiliate marketers generate interactive filters without spending a dime or wasting precious time.

With its user-friendly interface, crafting a digital masterpiece now takes less than 10 minutes. Marketers can select from a wide range of templates and visual effects to ensure their brand promotion stands out in the crowded online advertising space.

Snapchat made this possible by introducing the DIY filter creation tool as part of their suite for advertisers, enabling quick and easy customization of augmented reality experiences.

This approach not only simplifies the creation process but also empowers affiliate marketers to produce compelling content that resonates with audiences, driving engagement and measurable results through calls to action embedded within these dynamic Sponsored AR Filters.

Successful examples of Sponsored AR Filters

Snapchat’s launch of Sponsored AR Filters has opened new avenues for brands to engage with their audience through augmented reality marketing. The Franklin Park Conservatory utilized these filters to immerse users in interactive advertising experiences, showcasing the beauty of nature and gardens directly on their screens.

This approach not only increased user engagement but also enhanced the consumer experience by bringing a piece of the conservatory into everyday moments.

Similarly, the Portland Trail Blazers leveraged Sponsored AR Filters to connect with basketball fans. By creating a digital campaign strategy that integrated brand elements into game-day filters, they encouraged real-time interaction among fans during crucial matches.

This innovative use of technology not only sparked social media promotion but also drove measurable results through increased visibility and fan participation.

The Process of Building a Sponsored AR Filter

Crafting a Sponsored AR Filter starts with your creative vision. You upload your designs and fine-tune them to match your brand’s message perfectly.

Uploading creatives and publishing the AR Filter

Creating a Sponsored AR Filter starts with uploading creatives to the Ads Manager. This step is crucial for advertisers aiming to stand out in social media marketing. They select their best creative assets, which could include logos, images, or any unique designs relevant to their campaign.

These assets are then saved into the Lens Folder, preparing them for the next stage of development.

Publishing the AR Filter is where creativity meets audience engagement. Advertisers use this opportunity to launch their augmented reality experiences onto platforms like Snapchat, integrating branded AR Filters into users’ daily interactions seamlessly.

This process not only boosts brand promotion but also ensures optimal visibility and impact among target audiences on social media.

Creating a campaign on Ads Manager through Advance Create

To start promoting your Sponsored AR Filters, advertisers need to use the Advance Create option on Ads Manager. First, select “Camera and AR Filter” under placements during setup. This choice lets you target your campaign specifically for people who are likely to engage with augmented reality content.

The process is straightforward but crucial for ensuring your AR filters reach the right audience.

Next, you add all necessary details about your campaign such as budget, schedule, and targeted demographics. Uploading creative assets comes after choosing placements. These assets can be anything from existing brand materials to newly designed interactive elements tailored for Snapchat’s user base.

With over 5 billion Snaps created daily, crafting a focused campaign in this environment provides a unique opportunity for significant visibility and engagement with potential customers.


Sponsored AR Filters bring a new dimension to digital advertising on Snapchat. Brands now have the power to create immersive, interactive ads that users love engaging with. This feature opens up endless possibilities for advertisers aiming for higher engagement and visibility through augmented reality.

With easy creation tools and proven success cases, Sponsored AR Filters stand out as a creative way to connect with audiences in meaningful ways. They mark an exciting step forward in social media marketing strategies, enabling brands to craft captivating experiences directly within users’ daily moments.

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